Types of Java Applications

Vihanga Godakumbura
2 min readAug 20, 2021

In this article, I am going to briefly discuss the different types of server-side java applications.

What is server-side?

Server-side is sometimes referred to as back-end. The Server-side is where the data and source code is stored. on the other hand, Server-side actions take place on the webserver.

We can categorize server-side java applications into four types

  1. Monolithic applications
  2. Microservices
  3. Batch Jobs
  4. Serverless applications
  5. Monolithic Applications

Monolithic means composed all in one piece. A monolithic application is an all-in-one solution. Each part of the application depends on the other components, therefore this is a tightly coupled architecture. Monolithic apps are simple to develop, debug, test, and deploy. Traditionally, monolithic applications run on application servers and scale the entire application as a whole.


In the Microservice architecture, arranges an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. To achieve a reduced time to market, more engineers get hired for software development, but there will be more communication effort when more engineers need to collaborate. The solution is to divide and conquer. Now you can deliver features as independently as possible. Each team should be responsible for its own dedicated part of the software.

3.Batch Job

Batch Jobs execute a particular workload and then exit. Not wait for requests or user input. There isn't any interaction between the user and the system. sometimes jobs need to run once or at regular, scheduled intervals.

A telephone billing application is a perfect example of a batch job. First, the application reads the phone call records from the enterprise information system. Then, the app generates a monthly bill for each customer account.

4.Serverless Applications

Often Serverless architectures are based on functions.

A function is “triggered” by a specific type of event, and then executes specific code. Supported triggers include responding to changes in data, responding to messages, running on a schedule, or receiving an HTTP request.

